Frequently Asked Questions for Rental Providers

Our Core Value of Commitment understands connections are strengthened by communication and please see our frequently asked questions for Rental Providers.  Call Dominic on 0417 008 754 for a confidential discussion - afterhours and weekends are fine too. Alternatively, visit Consumer Affairs Victoria.

Click here for Consumer Affairs Victoria Renting Information


This is general information only and not an exhaustive list of requirements and matters required in law, by regulations or the like.

Why use Converge Real Estate for leasing and property management?
We care – we’re passionate about property and everything it entails. As your property manager we want to make meaningful connections with people and spaces and we’re committed to being your partner on your journey to success. We understand enriching connections means acting with integrity and communicating with you.
How to contact Converge Real Estate?
Strengthening our connection is always welcomed.  We can connect in person, by phone, email or by using our portal as our Core Value of Anchoring means we are present, accessible and act supportively. As your property manager we understand relationships require passion and perseverance with commitment levels to remain high on an ongoing basis.
Can Converge Real Estate take over property management if my property is currently rented?
Yes and we’ll be honoured to do so. We’ll make transferring property management to us hassle free by contacting your existing managing agent and Renter too. We’ll attend to collecting keys, transfer the Bond and immediately start on building enduring connections as your property manager. 
How are Prospective Renters assessed?
Prospective Renters complete an application form and establish their identity. Whilst forming connections with them we’ll assess their applications and confirm information by verifying employment, income and references in accordance with privacy legislation.
Can Converge Real Estate sell my property?
Yes. We’ll be honoured to sell your if property if that’s your preference.
How frequently can my property be inspected?
Diligent property management requires inspections to be carried out in accordance with the Residential Tenancies Act. Routine inspections can only be carried out every 6 months, subject to specified requirements.
What happens if other inspections are needed?
Under the Residential Tenancies Act it’s possible to inspect a property for valuation purposes, to show through prospective Renters and even purchasers, subject to specified requirements. 
How do I receive my rent once the Renter has paid?
As authorised, once funds paid by the Renter are cleared, we can pay from the rent items like council rates, body corporate fees, maintenance and repairs, commissions, fees and other charges. Any remaining balance will be paid into your nominated bank account.
What financial information do I receive?
When monies are remitted to you we’ll issue a statement explaining important information such as the amount the Renter paid, the relevant rental period, any monies, commissions and fees deducted, and the amount actually deposited into your account. As your property manager we can even provide an annual statement for the property to assist you to finalise your accounting matters.
How is the rent reviewed?
When vacant and available for lease, we’ll assess the rent the property should be marketed at to minimise downtime and grow your income. If rented, the Residential Tenancies Act prohibits rent from being increased at intervals less than 12 months, subject to specified requirements. As your property manager we’ll assess the rent and keep you updated. 
What happens if the rent is paid late?
We use the industry’s leading technology to monitor rent payments. We’ll send reminders and stay in contact with Renters to help avoid late payments however this a risk in owning an investment property. If the rent is not paid on time, we’ll let you know too so you are informed. The Residential Tenancies Act specifies a Renter must owe at least 14 days rent within a 12 month period before a formal notice can be issued. 
What happens if a Renter owes 14 days rent within a 12 month period?
Depending on the number of times a Renter has been issued a Notice to Vacate within a 12 month period, if a Renter has not paid the rent and failed to vacate the property in accordance with the Notice to Vacate, an application for possession order can be made to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) on your behalf.  Should this happen we’ll get in contact with you to discuss the specific details and we’ll keep you informed. As your trusted property manager non payment of rent is a serious matter which is constantly monitored.
Can Renters have pets?
Whilst a Renter is required to request consent to keep a pet such consent must not be unreasonably refused. Unless a Rental Provider applies to VCAT within 14 days for an order to refuse consent it is deemed the Rental Provider has consented. There are limited reasons for withholding consent and making an application for an order to VCAT. It is not possible to seek a higher Bond for a Renter having a pet. 
What does minimum standards for a property mean?

The Residential Tenancies Act sets out minimum standards.  A property must have:

Specific Rooms

  • Bathrooms – washbasin and shower or bath with reasonable supply of hot and cold water. Showers must have a shower head with a 3 star water efficient rating where possible. 
  • Kitchens – dedicated cooking and food preparation area, a sink in working order connected to a reasonable supply of hot and cold water and stove stop in good working order with at least 2 burners. If there’s an oven, it needs to be in good working order. 
  • Toilets – must be in good working order and connected to either sewage or a wastewater treatment system or other council approved system. It must be located in an appropriate room.
  • Laundry – if there’s one it needs to be connected to a reasonable supply of cold and hot water.
  • Heaters – from 29 March 2023 there must be an energy efficient fixed heater in the main living area. If an existing one is not energy efficient, it must be replaced. 
    • Energy efficient heaters are:
    • non-ducted air conditioner or heat pump with a 2 star or above energy rating
    • a gas space heater with a 2 star or above energy rating
    • a ducted heating or hydronic heating system with an outlet in the main living area
    • a domestic solid fuel burning appliance, such as a fireplace or wood burning stove.

In limited situations (e.g. apartment blocks) there may be exceptions to the required energy efficiency standard.  

  • Water supply – generally a 3 star WEL rating appliance or fixture is needed. Lower standards may be possible due to age or pressure levels. 
  • Lighting – interior rooms, corridors and hallways are to have access to natural or artificial lighting which provides an appropriate level to function in those rooms. 
  • Ventilation – there must be adequate ventilation in all habitable rooms including the bathroom, shower, toilet and laundry and ventilation standards required by the Building Code of Australia must be met. 
  • Window Coverings – rooms likely to be used as a bedroom or living area must be fitted with a curtain or blind that can be opened and closed and can reasonably block light and provide reasonable privacy.  
  • Bins – council approved vermin proof rubbish and recycling bins must be provided.
  • Structural soundness – property must be structurally sound and weatherproof. 
  • Mould and dampness – each room must be free from mould and damp.
  • Window locks – all external windows that can be opened must have a latch or lock installed to secure the windows against external entry. 
  • External doors – must have a deadlock (a deadlock is a deadlatch with at least 1 cylinder). If an external door cannot be fitted with a deadlock, it must be fitted with a locking device that is operated by a key from the outside and may be unlocked with or without a key from the outside. 

Consumer Affairs Victoria notes a deadlatch is a type of lock that automatically locks when the door is closed. Certain exceptions apply such as to security doors fitted to an external door with a deadlatch or where a door isn’t accessible because there’s another type of security barrier or a different type of lock may be required under another Act or law. 

What happens if minimum standards are not met?
Prior to a Renter moving in, if a property doesn’t meet minimum standards the Renter can decide not to move in and not pay rent until the minimum standards are met or end the agreement immediately without fees or move in anyway and then make a request for urgent repairs. If a property no longer meets minimum standards during the term of rental agreement, a Renter may make a request for urgent repairs. As your property manager, we’ll keep you informed. 
What are urgent repairs?

Urgent repairs are repairs that must be done immediately because they make the property unsafe or difficult to live in. The following are legally defined as urgent repairs.

  • burst water service
  • blocked or broken toilet system
  • serious roof leak
  • gas leak
  • dangerous electrical fault
  • flooding or serious flood damage
  • serious storm or fire damage
  • an essential service or appliance for hot water, water, cooking, heating, or laundering is not working
  • the gas, electricity or water supply is not working
  • a cooling appliance or service provided by the rental provider is not working
  • the property does not meet minimum standards
  • a safety-related device, such as a smoke alarm or pool fence, is not working
  • an appliance, fitting or fixture that is not working and causes a lot of water to be wasted
  • any fault or damage in the property that makes it unsafe or insecure, including pests, mould or damp caused by or related to the building structure
  • a serious problem with a lift or staircase.

A Renter can organise and pay for an urgent repair for an amount up to $2,500.00 if it is not carried out immediately.  In this case, a Renter must be reimbursed within 7 days. Renters also have rights if the value of the urgent repair is more than $2,500. As your property manager we’ll maintain positive relationships with both the Rental Provider and Renter and keep the parties informed.

What safety standards are needed?

Under the Residential Tenancies Act, Rental Provider must:

  • Smoke Alarms – be tested in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions at least every 12 months. Testing, repair or replacement must be carried out in line with the Residential Tenancies Act.  
  • Electrical installations, appliances and fittings – be tested every 2 years by a licensed or registered electrician. 
  • Gas using or suppling appliances, fixtures and fittings - be tested every 2 years by a licensed or registered gasfitter. 
  • Swimming pool barrier – provided and maintained in good repair and Renter provided a copy of the most recent compliance certificate. 
  • Bush fire prone areas – if a water tank is required for firefighting purposes, the water tank and any connected infrastructure must be full and clean at the commencement of the rental agreement and maintained in good repair as required. 

Records relating to tests and compliance must be retained and a Renter may need to be provided a copy within 7 days. 

Renters also have obligations and as your property manager we’ll communicate these on an ongoing basis. 

What information needs to be disclosed to a Rental Applicant?

The Residential Tenancies Act requires Rental Providers to disclose certain information, which includes but may not be limited to, the following:

  • if the Rental Provider has engaged an agent to sell the property or prepared a contract of sale for the sale of the property
  • if a mortgagee has commenced a proceeding to enforce a mortgage that a mortgagee is taking action for possession of the property
  • if the Rental Provider is not the owner that they have the right to lease the property
  • any embedded network operator details, tariffs, fees and charges
  • if the property or common areas have been the location of a homicide in the last 5 years
  • if in the last 3 years a notice of repair has been received relating to mould or damp
  • the date of the most recent gas safety check, electrical safety check, pool barrier compliance check
  • any outstanding recommendations for work to be completed arising from a gas or electrical safety check
  • if the property is known to be contaminated because of prior use of the property for the trafficking or cultivation of drugs of dependence in the last 5 years
  • have friable or non friable asbestos based on an inspection by a suitably qualified person
  • if the property is affected by a building or planning application that has been lodged with a relevant authority
  • if the property or common property known by the Rental Provider subject to any notice, order, declaration, report, recommendation issued by a surveyor, municipal building surveyor, public authority, or government department relating to any building defects or safety concerns. All details must be disclosed. 
  • is there’s a current domestic work dispute under the Domestic Building Contracts Act
  • is there’s a current dispute under Part 10 of the Owners Corporations Act 
  • a copy of the owners corporation rules
  • whether or not the agent can authorise urgent repairs and if so, the maximum amount the agent can authorise for urgent repairs. 

The above may not be an exhaustive list and we’ll reman in regular contact with you as your property manager.

What is the maximum Bond allowed?
If rent is paid on a monthly basis and less than $900 per week, the maximum Bond that can be requested and accepted is an amount equal to 1 months rent. A higher Bond may be possible under specified conditions.  As your property manager we will monitor obligations relating to the Bond and lodge documentation with the Residential Tenancies Bond Authority as needed. 
What modifications can a Renter do without requiring consent?

A Renter can carry out the following modifications without a Rental Provider’s consent:

  • picture hooks or screws for wall mounts, shelves or brackets on surfaces other than exposed brick or concrete walls
  • wall anchoring devices other than on exposed brick or concrete to secure items of furniture
  • installing LED light globes which do not require new light fittings
  • installing water efficient shower head if the original is retained
  • installing blind or cord anchors 
  • installing security lights, alarm systems or security cameras that don’t impact privacy of neighbours, can be easily removed and are not hardwired
  • installation of hardware mounted child safety gates (other than exposed brick or concrete walls)
  • installation of non – permanent window film
  • installation of a wireless doorbell
  • replacement curtains in the originals are retained
  • installing adhesive child safety locks on drawers and doors
  • installing of pressure mounted child safety gates
  • installation of a lock on a letterbox

Renters are required to restore the property to the condition prior to carrying out the modification works or pay an equal reasonable amount for restoring the property. 

Understanding the importance for everyone to feel a sense of belonging is important and as your property manager Converge Real Estate’s Core Values look to develop this. 

Renter modifications with Rental Provider’s consent (consent not to be unreasonably withheld)

A Rental Provider must not unreasonably withhold consent if a Renter requests modifications:

  • that do not penetrate or permanently modify surfaces, fixtures or structures
  • required for health and safety purposes, determined by an accredited occupational therapist or other prescribed practitioner or within Sec 55 of the Equal Opportunity Act
  • ensuring access to telecommunication services
  • are reasonable security measures
  • necessary to ensure the safety of a party who is subject to family violence including those protected by a family violence safety notice, intervention order,  non local DVO or safety intervention order
  • necessary to increase thermal comfort or reduce energy and water usage
  • installing picture hooks or screws for wall mounts, shelves or brackets on exposed bricks or concrete walls
  • installing hardware mounted child safety gates on exposed brick or concrete walls
  • installing wall anchors devices on exposed brick or concrete walls to secure items of furniture
  • draughtproofing homes without open flu gas heating, including installing weather seals, caulking or gap filling around windows, doors, skirting and floorboards.
  • installing a security system provided it does not impact privacy of neighbours and it carried out by a suitably qualified person. Details need to be provided at time of request.
  • Installing flyscreens on doors and windows
  • installing a vegetable or herb garden
  • installing a secure letterbox
  • painting the premises
  • modifications to secure external gates that are not in a multi unit dwelling
  • any modifications to a property covered by the Heritage Act
A Rental Provider may reasonably withhold consent for Renter modifications if:

A Rental Provider may withhold consent if a Renter requests modifications because of the following reasons:

  • a valid notice to vacate has been issued
  • there is an imminent change in use or ownership of the property
  • the modification significantly changes the property or involves other property or common area
  • would result in non compliance with any other Act or law
  • would result in additional maintenance costs for the Rental Provider if the property is not restored
  • action required to restore the property are not reasonably practicable

A Rental Provider may require the modifications be completed by a suitably qualified person. 

The Residential Tenancies Act notes an additional Bond amount may be sought to cover the reasonable costs of restoring the property, provided the existing Bond is more than $500. Converge Real Estate believes it’s pivotal that successful property management involves forming enduring connections and purposeful communities and will communicate with the parties on an ongoing basis. 

What happens if a Rental Provider does not comply with the Residential Tenancies Act?
A Rental Provider may be issued a penalty of 60 penalty units for an individual or 300 penalty units for corporations.  Additionally, Rental Providers may be found to have engaged in behavior that is misleading and deceptive and subject to further action under Australian Consumer Law (Victoria). For the period to 30 June 24, a penalty unit is $192.31, meaning 300 penalty units represents a penalty exceeding $55,000. VCAT also hears applications and makes determinations in relation to applications involving a claim up to $40,000. Renters may be entitled to take other additional legal action. Renters also face penalties and legal action too if Renters don’t meet their obligations. Approaching people and dealings with genuine curiosity and interest allows Converge Real Estate to be an effective property manager and to resolve conflict should it arise.
Should Rental Providers take out Landlord Protection Insurance?
As your strategic property management service provider, Converge Real Estate highly recommends Rental Providers take out Landlord Protection Insurance. Please contact your insurer for policy details.