Urgent Repairs for Rented Properties

Recently we’re received calls from Renters who rent properties from other real estate agencies and Rental Providers because they’ve encountered Urgent Repairs on a public holiday or afterhours and they weren’t able to contact their managing agent or Rental Provider.

It was challenging to hear how anxious the Renters were as they were trying to do the right. 

So what's the legislative framework when Urgent Repairs happen?

  • Renters must contact their managing agent or Rental Provider and report the Urgent Repairs (retain evidence of making contact). The Rental Agreement or other communication should outline how and who to contact so it’s important Renters follow the appropriate process.
  • When Renters have followed the appropriate process and haven’t been able to reach their managing agent or Rental Provider, the following legislative framework applies:
    • Renters may carry out the Urgent Repairs (up to $2,500 incl GST) and provide the Rental Provider written notice of the Urgent Repairs carried out and cost within 7 days. See Sec 72 of the Residential Tenancies Act 1997.
    • Renters may make an application to the Residential Tenancies Tribunal if the Renter is unable to meet the cost and the managing agent or Rental Provider fails to attend to the Urgent Repairs. See Sec 73 of the Residential Tenancies Act 1997.
    • Rental Providers are required to reimburse Renters the reasonable cost of Urgent Repairs (up to $2,500 inc GST) within 7 days of receiving written notice from the Renter. See Sec 73 of the Residential Tenancies Act 1997.
    • In the event a Rental Provider does not reimburse a Renter within 7 days, a Renter is entitled to make an application to the Residential Tenancies Tribunal. See Sec 73 of the Residential Tenancies Act 1997.
    • If a Renter makes an application to the Residential Tenancies Tribunal, the Tribunal must hear the application within 2 business days of receiving the application. 
    • The Residential Tenancies Tribunal has extensive powers and has extension jurisdiction to hear matters arising in relation to a residential Rental Agreement for claims up to $40,000. See Sec 446 and Sec 447 of the Residential Tenancies Act 1997.


Converge Real Estate difference?

Our Core Values means we’re committed to fostering enduring and meaningful connections and being accessible and present. This means:

  • Building relationships established on trust, integrity and transparency
  • We’ll clearly set out this process from the outset, so everyone is informed
  • Be committed to being accessible. Whilst others weren’t contactable we answered our phone! – we’re contactable by email, our Portal or phone! 
  • Have access to contractors and trades who are as equally committed to our Statements and Core Values
  • We’ll remain in contact and acting ethically
  • Control costs and quality of work to protect the property and avoid unnecessary costs

Whilst Converge Real Estate understands unexpected matters arise, risks and conflict can be minimised by being present and being committed to delivering results. 

Contact Dominic on 0417 008 754 for a confidential consultation if you’re looking for a passionate leasing and property management service provider.